Virtual Training
WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 5, 2022 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Tools of the Trade - Inspiring Young Minds to be SET Ready for Life! (Session #1: The Scientist in All of Us)
Trainer: Linda Bratcher
COK: 2-hr Curriculum
Science is everywhere! Children are curious and love to learn about the world around them. Educators can play an important role in facilitating children’s learning about science, engineering, and technology (SET) by providing hands-on experiences using an inquiry-based format. This session provides an introduction to the “SET Ready for Life” series and includes “ready to use tomorrow” SET-based activities. Come prepared with your idea of scientists and what they do.
WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 12, 2022 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Developmental Delays
Trainer: Jennifer Jurch
COK: 1-hr Child Development; 1-hr Special Needs
This training provides participants with knowledge and strategies for teaching children with developmental delays. Participants review characteristics of typical child development from birth through five, discuss “red flags,” developmental screening tools, developmental delays and adaptations to assist children with developmental delays. Through interactive simulations, participants will gain an understanding of the challenges children with developmental delays face and have an opportunity to develop accommodations they can utilize in their classrooms
WEDNESDAY | FEBRUARY 9, 2022 | 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Connection vs. Perfection
Trainer: Jennifer Jurch
COK: 3-hr Special Needs
It only takes 30% of attunement with an infant or toddler to form a secure attachment. The other 70% is where mistakes or challenges within a relationship may occur. Infants and toddlers crave authenticity within their relationships just like we do, and with authenticity comes “oops”. In this training participants, will explore how our “oops” can breed a more connected relationship specifically with infants and toddlers with special needs and those whose culture is different from our own. This session will focus on examining how choosing connection over perfection can be the answer to supporting strong relationships with ALL of our youngest learners.
WEDNESDAY | FEBRUARY 9, 2022 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Ethics and The Early Educator: Using the NAEYC Code
Trainer: Linda Bratcher
COK: 2-hr Professionalism
NAEYC recognizes that those who work with young children face many daily decisions that have moral and ethical implications. The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct offers guidelines for responsible behavior and sets forth a common basis for resolving the principal ethical dilemmas encountered in early childhood care and education.” (Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment - This presentation provides a hands-on introduction to the Code of Ethical Conduct which enables early educators to make appropriate decisions when they encounter the inevitable moral/ethical dilemma using the NAEYC Code of Ethics as a valuable resource. We will focus on real-life examples.
WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Telling Tales in School - Storytelling in the Early Years
Trainer: Linda Bratcher
COK: 2-hr Curriculum
Engaging children in oral storytelling provides early educators with opportunities to focus on each child’s listening skills, vocabulary, grammar and understanding of culture, including languages. Storytelling can be adapted for children of all cultures regardless of ability, age, skill level, learning style or home language. The take-away for participants is a toolkit of multiple ways to involve all children in language-based learning through daily instances of storytelling. Of course, there will be lots of hands-on fun!
WEDNESDAY | MARCH 23, 2022 | 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Fostering Family Math
Trainer: Linda Bratcher
COK: 1-hr Curriculum; 2-hr Child Development
A positive relationship with math starts at home. Early educators are in a perfect position to help young children strengthen their math skills and develop confidence in their math abilities by fostering family math engagement. Participants will develop a plan to promote family math engagement. Additionally, fun and engaging activities to use in the classroom will be sampled and shared!
WEDNESDAY | APRIL 13, 2022 | 6:30PM-8:30PM
Good-for-You Food Fun
Trainer: Deborah Wood
COK: 2-hr Health, Safety and Nutrition
Beginning with Nutrition Bingo, participants get a hands on approach to learning about the elements that make up the foods we eat. Recipes easy enough for young children will be followed and eaten! Discussion includes food attitudes and follow up activities (field trips, books, dramatizations).
WEDNESDAY | APRIL 13, 2022 | 6:30PM-8:30PM
Developing Young Thinkers
Trainer: Lauren Bond
COK: 3-hr Curriculum
Teachers are to create opportunities for children to stimulate their curiosity and engage with children in ways that extend their learning and ability to think critically. During this workshop participants will examine how higher-level questioning and thought-provoking language can influence a child's thinking ability and communication skills. By incorporating a variety of methods into teacher-child interactions, lessons, and environment teachers can promote critical thinking, language development and elicit more information about how children think as they engage in play.
WEDNESDAY | May 11, 2022 | 6:30PM-9:30PM
Canvas of Learning: Classroom Displays & Documentation
Trainer: Lauren Bond
COK: 3-hr Curriculum
This training will take a deep dive in to classroom displays and documentation. Teachers will be challenged to evaluate how they make learning visible to children and families. As we explore documentation we will examine it from the Reggio perspective. Teachers will consider when, why, and how they collect documentation. When others enter your classroom can they see the learning process, how you value the capabilities of children, authentic representations of the children, and how your environment supports the learner? What story is your classroom telling about you?
WEDNESDAY | May 18, 2022 | 6:30PM-9:30PM
“Let’s Talk” Communication
Trainer: Deborah Wood
COK: 3-hr Community
Relationship dynamics, body language, cultural differences and the emotions behind the words often tell much more than words themselves. Learn how to communicate respectfully and effectively with co-workers, parents and children.
WEDNESDAY | June 8, 2022 | 6:30PM-9:30PM
The Growing Brain – Factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development
Trainer: Lauren Bond
COK: 3-hr Child Development
The goal of Unit 2 is for participants to understand the key factors that affect brain development and how to support health brain development overall. Participants will identify factors that affect brain growth and development; understand how stress can affect brain development; and learn strategies (the 5R’s) for supporting healthy brain development.
WEDNESDAY | June 15, 2022 | 6:30PM-8:30PM
Working With Parents
Trainer: Deborah Wood
COK: 2-hr Community
Parents can be categorized as four types: With, Not With, For, and Against. The workshop will address what each category looks like in parenting behaviors and causes. Each type should be approached differently so that staff and parents can work together on behalf of the children.
WEDNESDAY | JULY 13, 2022 | 6:30PM-8:30PM
Healthy Habits for Young Children in Childcare
Trainer: Deborah Wood
COK: 2-hr Health, Safety and Nutrition
Two simple ingredients will improve your children’s well-being today and contribute to a lifetime of healthy habits: exercise and good nutrition. Add large motor games to group time. Make and sample easy-to-make nutritious snacks your children can cook with you.
WEDNESDAY | JULY 13, 2022 | 6:30PM-8:30PM
The Growing Brain - Communication and Language Development
Trainer: Lauren Bond
COK: 1.5-hr Child Development; 1.5-hrs Curriculum
Unit 3 – The goal of Unit 3 is for participants to understand how communication and language skills develop in the first 5 years, the brain’s role in the development of these skills and how to support them. Participants will learn about specific communication milestones and when they typically emerge and how this relates to brain development; learn strategies for supporting early communication skills; and gain an understanding of how Multilanguage learning occurs.
MIÉRCOLES | 16 DE FEBRERO DE 2022 | 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Actividades de arte para preescolares
Instructora: Jenit D'Achiardy
COK: 3-horas Plan de estudios
Durante estas tres, cuatro u ocho horas de entrenamiento los participantes reconocerán las distintas nociones que puede adquirir un niño a través de actividades y/o juegos del quehacer diario con y sin materiales didácticos. Se elaborarán distintas técnicas tales como: dáctilo pintura, cortado, rasgado, collage, y plegado.
LUNES | 28 DE FEBRERO DE 2022 | 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Guía de Comportamiento para Bebés y Niños Pequeños
Instructora: Lidia Cajiao
COK: 3-horas Desarrollo infantil
Este entrenamiento explicará de manera general los comportamientos de desarrollo apropiados, y a veces difíciles, de los niños recién nacidos hasta los 3 años de edad. A través de la revisión de comportamientos de desarrollo apropiados y estrategias para prevenir o redireccionar experiencias difíciles, las proveedoras completarán este entrenamiento con nuevas estrategias a implementar con niños en sus programas. Los participantes empezarán a desarrollar el conocimiento y estrategias necesarias para redireccionar apropiadamente los comportamientos negativos o difíciles de los niños y convertirlos en comportamientos positivos y apropiados.
MARTES | 5 DE MARZO DE 2022 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Abuso Infantil
Insructora: Jenit D'Achiardy
COK: 2-hr HSN
Este taller describe la responsabilidad de los proveedores de cuidado infantil como informadores obligatorios de sospecha de abuso y negligencia infantil en el estado de MD. Cubre las definiciones legales de maltrato infantil, factor de riesgo e indicadores de abuso y negligencia, técnicas de evaluación apropiadas y documentación requerida. Explorará los hechos, signos y síntomas relacionados con el abuso y la negligencia infantil y cómo los maestros, los padres y las comunidades pueden adoptar un enfoque basado en fortalezas para prevenir el abuso y la negligencia infantil en su comunidad.
MARTES | 29 DE MARZO DE 2022 | 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Construyendo Resiliencia en Niños Pequeños
Instructora: Lidia Cajiao
COK: 3-hr Desarrollo Infantil
En este taller, los participantes aprenderán que las relaciones calidas y enriquecedoras entre niños y adultos en sus vidas, son el factor más importante para desarrollar la resiliencia y sobrellevar los posibles efectos negativos del estrés diario.
JUEVES | 7 DE ABRIL DE 2022 | 6:30PM-9:30PM
Cómo desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico en los niños
Instructora: María Artola
COK: 1.5 horas desarrollo infantil; 1.5 horas ​Plan de estudios
En este taller, los participantes aprenderán sobre el desarrollo temprano del cerebro y por qué el momento más importante para desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico es el preescolar. Los participantes aprenderán lo que deben hacer los educadores de la primera infancia y los proveedores de atención para ayudar a los estudiantes a prosperar académicamente.
MIÉRCOLES | 27 DE ABRIL DE 2022 | 6:30PM-8:30PM
Actividades Creativas para Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil en el Hogar
Instructora: Jenit D'Achiardy
COK: 2 horas plan de estudios de
Un proveedor de cuidado infantil generalmente pasa parte del día realizando actividades educativas que son apropiadas para la edad de los niños bajo su cuidado. Las regulaciones estatales pueden requerir planes para las actividades diarias. Las actividades generalmente incluyen actividades creativas como manualidades, juegos al aire libre, lectura y juegos o actividades tranquilas. Algunos proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar llevan a los niños a excursiones o caminatas por el vecindario. El día debe tener un equilibrio en los tipos de actividades realizadas con los niños. Este taller de dos horas ayudará a los proveedores de cuidado infantil a adquirir más ideas para presentar a los niños en el horario diario que sean creativas e innovadoras.
MARTES | 3 DE MAYO DE 2022 | 6:30PM-9:30PM
Creciendo mentes STEM
Instructora: María Artola
COK: 3 horas plan de estudios
Se discutirá la importancia de la educación STEM en la primera infancia. Los participantes recibirán ejemplos de actividades y recursos para usar cuando incorporen el pensamiento científico, tecnológico, de ingeniería y matemático en su entorno. También se utilizarán actividades prácticas de STEM para edades mixtas.​
MARTES | 7 DE JUNIO DE 2022 | 6:30PM-9:30PM
Cómo desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico en los niños
Instructora: María Artola
COK: 1.5 horas desarrollo infantil; 1.5 horas plan de estudios
En este taller, los participantes aprenderán sobre el desarrollo temprano del cerebro y por qué el momento más importante para desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico es el preescolar. Los participantes aprenderán lo que deben hacer los educadores de la primera infancia y los proveedores de atención para ayudar a los estudiantes a prosperar académicamente.